YOU DO! so let’s get you some flowers to go with those vows I do! matrimony my name * First Name Last Name preferred pronoun she/her/hers he/him/his they/them/theirs ze/zir/hirs please ask my love's name * First Name Last Name preferred pronoun she/her/hers he/him/his they/them/theirs ze/zir/hirs please ask phone Country (###) ### #### email * The big date * If you do not have one set- no worries, just pick a day and month in the season you are leaning towards! MM DD YYYY ceremony Time If you have not decided, you can skip this. Hour Minute Second AM PM venue Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country mood board if you have one http:// your dream vision in as much or as little detail as you'd like- describe your ideal wedding views. (This is not required, but can be a lot of fun. Do not worry if you are not sure! We will talk in more detail during the consultation.) etc. anything additional you want me to know before we talk? Thank you!